Sunday, January 11, 2009

Care to Share?

I was assigned to start a blog and the best thing that I thought fellow educators could contribute to would be lessons that were effective. What better than a place we can bookmark and check regularly for new and effective lessons that we are assured have worked before. I am constantly looking for new ideas and love when I can use lessons that other respective colleagues have already tried and found successful.

Please just be certain to identify the GRADE LEVEL and SUBJECT that you teach before you make a posting that I am sure someone will find valuable. I intend on using my blog as a template for not only helping myself but helping others be more successful in their own respective classrooms. I enjoy utilizing quotes and one that I find simple but true is from Shawshank Redemption when Red says to Andy "get busy livin' or get busy dyin'." What a great way to look at things.

Don't be shy, start with giving a lesson that you find useful and if we all do a little, nobody has to do a lot!!!


  1. This is a great idea. I'll definitely be bookmarking your blog for help with lesson plans in the future.

  2. Hi, Nice to come up with the suggetsiopn you have made. I personally have never made use of blogging in lessons, but I about to do so. I teach K-12 English as a foreign language. We deal with various topics to be able to produce vocab in semantic fields. I want to pose a questionn, let my students work in groups of, say, three and answer it with the appropriate vocab. I think this could work as they all will read several versions of how to answer that question and will hopefully not be surprised when I ask that question orally.

  3. Oops...forgot to pose a question. Sorry. Do you think it would be easier for you, and maybe your followers too, if you set up a website or maybe even another blog (with a link on your page) where anyone can post lessons? I'm not very familiar with blogging yet, so this might not be possible, however, I would think that it might make your blog a little less crowded. I can't wait to get some lessons from you!!
