Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 8 Reflection

This is a final blog posting for EDUC 6710: Understanding the impact of technology on Education, work and society. Below are some questions and in italics are my responses. I enjoyed this course and all that was learned from it. I hope to incorporate many new ideas and activities to help enrich my classroom environment and make it more conducive to student success.

  • In what ways has this course helped you to develop your own technology skills as a professional teacher?
It has allowed me to realize the truth behind the fact that integrating powerpoints on an overhead and simply regurgitating the same methods as done traditionally only compounds the problem and is not "integrating technology." This course has allowed me to realize the power of Web 2.0 or the Read, Write Web. I feel comfortable informing my fellow colleagues on certain lessons that were learned or how to incorporate activities using podcasts, blogs, etc...

  • In what ways have you deepened your knowledge of the teaching and learning process?
It has confirmed some theories of mine and has also opened my mind to others. I have always been against "teaching to a test" or many of the basic theories that are now outdated. I have always been a proponent to more interactive methods but our district lacks the resources to accommodate many of those needs. Although that is partly an excuse, it also has some legitimacy. I was not aware of such terms as digital native and what not. I have also been more prone to accept the fact that kids don't retain much with many of the methods that were used in schools during my grandparents era. Times have changed but our schools are stuck in neutral. This has motivated me to do better and not just be another wave that crashes in to the shore.

  • In what ways have you changed your perspective from being teacher-centered to learner-centered?
I definitely challenge my students more. We are going to do a blog activity and incorporate it into our next unit. Although we are currently doing things that this class renders "outdated" and less effective, I intend on doing more interactive lessons that students will benefit more from and will require them to be more proactive in the learning process. I am not a huge fan of me telling them stuff and them merely listening and expect to retain the information on some random assessment. I like the idea that assignments they complete now (generally speaking) are typically geared for a small audience and are often thrown away or discarded shortly after. What I have learned from this course is that integrating technology into not only my class, but in other realms, will force students to use the internet for purposeful learning and require them to be a more integral part in their own education and have a more "hands-on" approach. It is also more interesting. I believe that inherently, kids want to learn and do the right thing. The system, as it is designed today, is not allowing them to keep up with the technological curve that is so constantly evolving.

  • In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology with the aim of increasing student achievement?
I can continue to read such great books as that of Will Richardson or the many articles that were cited in our course. I can simply refuse to be complacent. I have compiled a decent amount of respectful blogs and/or wikis that I am certain will only get better with more dedication and time. By simply reading through other people's ideas and activities will allow me to grow as an educator. Trying new things with my students and taking risks will allow me to increase student achievement. Most teachers, including myself, have succumbed themselves to sticking with what they are most comfortable with and are tentative about trusting their students being on the internet or doing activities that are more technologically based.

  • Set two long-tem goals (within two years) for transforming your classroom environment by which you may have to overcome institutional or systemic obstacles in order to achieve them. How do you plan to accomplish these goals?

1. Never be complacent and have everything geared around what is best for ALL students. With the help of this course, I have found that as a new teacher, I have been guilty of spending less time on lesson planning than is what's needed. I haven't properly prepared myself and that in turn will have an adverse effect on my students. This is the complete opposite of what should be taking place. I should be spending whatever is necessary to better prepare my students for a world filled with interaction, technology and thinking outside of the box. Basically, I need to spend more time lesson planning and keeping everything kid - centered. I can do this by being more diligent with my allocation of time. I have allowed outside factors to affect my time needed for lesson planning. I should have a block of time weekly, or even daily that is never messed with as with that of a normal routine like eating or sleeping. This will always be a goal of mine.

2. Making instruction more student / learner driven. While this is a radically different approach than most of my colleagues in our district, I intend on doing what's right. If that means I have to sacrifice more time lesson planning, so be it. If that means I have to completely trash my previous plans and start from scratch, so be it. I want my students to not only enjoy what they are doing, but to make it relevant to what they'll be doing 5, 10 or 20 years from now. I am not simply referring to skills related to the workplace, but social skills and life skills that go beyond a textbook. Helping my students understand the impact and necessity of working with other people to accomplish a goal or simply conversing in a respectful, yet insightful discussion. I intend on accomplishing this goal by spending more time lesson planning and by taking more risks. Part of the reason why I have been so bland with my curriculum was because i was unwilling to take risks and try new things. Teaching with technology that I am not exactly comfortable with is an intimidating thing and one that requires a decent amount of time. I intend on putting in that time necessary for me to become proficient.

Refer to your checklist from Week 1. Have any of your answers changed after completing this course?

Not many of my answers have changed after completing this course. I am thankful for all of the lessons that I have learned and greatful for the many people that helped in this class including my professor and classmates.

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