Sunday, June 7, 2009

Voice Thread

Here is the link to my Voice Thread. I simply found a few photos of my school and students and posed a simple question: why doesn't our district keep up with technology and teaching strategies like they do with our facilities? I was able to find a photo of our school from nearly 50 years ago. I used that to pose the question. To most of you, the photograph is simply a bunch of farmland with a few random sporting fields and one building. Now, there is a large complex and all of that land is accounted for. However, lessons that were taught in that building some time ago used strategies and methodologies that are still used today. Are today's students the same as that some 50 years ago? C'mon.

I also found a picture of our students during a Washington D.C. trip in front of the White House. I found this relevant because our federal government intends on including Education as one of the priorities in this economic restructuring and the White House is where our President will make and maybe sign some key legislation regarding such issues. I am re missed that I waited a little too long to divulge into learning about Voice Thread. This was a crazy last week of school for me and while it does feel good to be close to done, I feel as though I have created a mediocre Voice Thread as a sacrifice. Thanks for reading and till next week...

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