Sunday, April 25, 2010

EDUC 6715 Week 8 Reflection

FINAL REFLECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this really it? Can it be so? Have I finally completed my master's degree? Wait a minute. Before I go on and celebrate, I believe I still have some work left to do and my portfolio has yet to be graded. I am just very thankful to have finished the majority of my program at Walden and excuse me if I have come off a little over the top with enthusiasm.

My completed assignment from weeks 6 & 7 reflect what has been learned because I have been able to apply it into a plan of action. Like the third change agent, I have been able to apply this class to a real world scenario. I was asked to write a brief grant proposal and that is something that I definitely needed help with. It is also something that needs to be done in my district. Funding is not readily accessible and while my district will not adequately provide me with the technological tools needed to make my classroom fit for a 21st century learning environment, there are other means of funding. I have learned with this assignment not to give up and to continue fighting for what is right. I have been guilty of resorting to traditional methods of teaching because that is what the people before me and around me have always done. It is also much easier to use the resources that are available as opposed to completely redesigning our district's curriculum, especially when there is no funding available.

I have learned that this is the big picture. Eventually, before I retire, I hope to enact a change in my school district that will have a lasting impact. I have also learned that this change can only begin in my classroom with me as the leader. Rome wasn't built in a day. Was that the adage I was looking for? I seem to remember it vividly, but I am a little burnt out from all of this extended thinking. I think that my last, ending master's assignment will also mark the beginning for me. I will make honest efforts towards writing grants regularly. Eventually, my voice will be heard and changes will begin to be made. If I can positively integrate new and emerging technologies in my classroom, people will talk and I will generate a buzz. Word of mouth will spread about the great, 21st century lessons that will be taught in my classroom. Administrators will begin to seek out answers as to why my students are so fully engaged in learning that is relevant to the 21st century that eventually they will follow my lead. I am so thankful to have taken my master's through Walden. I am especially thankful to have had such great professors like Dr. Bordelon that have been so patient and understanding.

The only negative to all of this is that I will have to begin monthly payments on the student loans that I took out:(

(hopefully my students will find that it was worth it in the long run:)

Signing off one last time....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

EDUC 6715 Week 4 Application

Online Learning Modules

Below is a link to the power point that I created for this week's assignment regarding online learning modules. I chose to focus on the popular Moodle site and how it can be implemented into a district / school system.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 8 Reflection (EDUC 6714)

I will use the resources in the Differentiation Station social network in a few different ways to help me implement the principles of UDL and DI. First off, I will use such an innovative idea to connect myself with colleagues and possibly introduce this to my students and set up a network for each class or one universal one for each subject. This process will allow them to do exactly what I have done during this course and connect with people that have common goals and objectives as I did. I will definitely hold onto the many different suggestions, links and pieces of advice that my classmates have shared with me through this experience. I am a firm believer in constant progress and never being complacent. This type of learning and working with others in similar situations only encourages such practices.

Before this class, I had already created a class blog and a class wiki to utilize during the school year. Due to many reasons, I have not been keeping up with these two as best as I should or could. Immediate adjustments regarding technology and my instruction will start here since I have already established this as part of our course requirements. I will polish up certain aspects of utilizing these tools as well as explore others, such as Voice Thread and Ning. Most of my students are familiar with social networking sites and are probably more avid users of such technology than I am. Therefore, why not tap into that pool of resources and harness the knowledge that they bring to the table to better the experience for the rest of us? I also plan on immediately incorporating such social networking sites as Ning and what we used during this course. I also believe strongly in learning more by doing. I have strayed from this in recent years due to many reasons and need to get back to what is most important and what UDL and DI principles emphasize on: maximize learning potential for ALL learners. I have unfortunately not done my best job of this and thanks to this course, my professor and classmates, I will be encouraged to get "back on track" and do better.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reflection (week 8 final post)

In my last post, I mentioned that facilitating and inspiring learning will never become a distant goal that I no longer aspire to attain. I have learned a lot in this course by doing. From this, I will design more lessons geared towards having students "do" more and not be so robotic and incorporate so much rote memorization. Unfortunately, I have also learned that my district is even further behind the technological curve than I had originally anticipated. However, I also view this as a challenge because, as a young educator in an ancient department, I can inspire change. It is obvious, with the help of such courses as these, where education and all other relevant professions are headed. Why not embrace such a movement and use such tools to enhance our learning and facilitate growth?

My GAME plan is a lot like many of my lessons that I create from scratch. It is slow-developing and while it is a solid, manageable and effective plan, little will be accomplished with little effort. There were times where I could have made certain things better and put in the appropriate time. However, there are many things that I have learned from creating my GAME plan that I will take with me and credit towards improving myself and growing both as a learner and as an educator.

Have a safe and exciting New Year!!!!!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More GAME planning (week 7 assn)

I think that my selected NETS-S goal of facilitating and inspiring learning and creativity will never change. I intend on constantly implementing new and innovative lessons that inspire both my students and myself. I constantly preach to my students that you (or it) can always be better. Tiger Woods is easily the best golfer and even after he wins several tournaments and has a career year, he responds that it could have been better and that he still has work to do (I know that he is not the best person to use as a positive example right now). This basic principle is what I hope to continue even past my retirement. My GAME plan is not quite off to the speedy start that I would have preferred. However, I have been slowly progressing and getting better. This is important and if it ever is impeded, then it will become problematic.

I intend on helping my students developing proficiency using the technology standards and indicators outlined in the NETS-S by simply sticking to what was said above: doing more and never being satisfied with complacency. Yeah, it is great to complete something and feel gratification, but could it have been better? Yeah, that lesson was great this year and I can't wait to implement it again, but will it be as successful with a different dynamic of students? Remaining constant in my self-evaluation and having students adopt similar habits will be important for developing such skills as outlined in NETS-S.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Revising my GAME plan (week 6 assn)

The two NETS-T goals that I chose for my GAME plan were as follows: #1 - Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity and #3 - Model Digital-Age Work and Learning. My first goal was to become proficient in the technology that will be implemented. I feel confident that I have gotten more efficient with certain tools that I have already used or will use in the near future. I always seem to have an empty feeling, however, that there is much more that I should be doing and that I am still "behind the curve" in regards to integrating technology into my classrooms. However, with the limited resources that are available and through my constant efforts, it is better than it was yesterday and I will continue to improve. We have also had many assignments and learned a few resourceful tools with our classroom blog and wiki. This was another goal of mine and I feel more competent now that I have incorporated it into our classroom routine.

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

I have learned how to create a group wiki and add pages to it. This will become effective for small group assignments that will also require some individuality. Many group projects are somewhat difficult to assess due to the struggle of balancing requirements within a group and properly allocating responsibilities. This will promote group involvement but will also require students to do some on their own and not be so dependent on their group members.

What goals are you still working toward?

I will always be working on my first goal and was also the reason for it being the first: become proficient with the technology that will be implemented. I am a strong advocate for the integration of technology and am not generally the teacher that gives students' grief when their phones are out. I will always be working on self-improvement and some of my professional goals will remain constant. I am also still working towards a constant goal of never accepting mediocrity. My students deserve someone with leadership qualities to show them what it is like to tackle a new problem, like embracing new technologies, and making the best of a situation.

Based on the NETS-T, what new learning goals will you set for yourself?

I would have to say that the last learning goal, #5 Engage in Professional Growth & Leadership would be a new NETS-T that I would set for myself. Reiterating what I said earlier, I firmly believe that teachers must remain effective by constantly searching for new and effective lessons. Resorting to complacency and being repetitive only promotes dull, ineffective instruction and poor leadership. Being able to continuously improve professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources are all mentioned within this learning goal.

What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?

I intend on using this week's social networking and online collaboration lessons in my classes. My students are all actively involved in some sort of social networking site and to be able to harness that knowledge and incorporate effective instruction is something I look forward to attempting.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Evaluating GAME plan progress (week 5 assn)

* How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?

I am still developing a skill at time management. I am beginning to accomplish my goals that I have set out, however, it is probably at a slower pace than I would prefer. I have taken a few of my ideas that I have developed and at least attempted to find a way to integrate technology. We have went to our library and I have had a few small group assignments that forced them to utilize various aspects of the internet. However, I am also not quite where I would like to be. There is always room for improvement!!!

* What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
I have definitely learned to try things out and be experimental. I have shown my students through practice, that it is alright to not completely understand something and learn through experience. I have shown my students how to make mistakes and learn from them. Fortunately, I have an older group of students and they are hopefully taking to what I have done thus far. I have also learned to allow students to help me in the process. Albeit I am the teacher, I definitely have allowed my students more leverage into helping me and each other learn from one another. If a student has an idea or prior background knowledge with using a resource that most may not be familiar with, I have gotten better about relinquishing the controls and allowing others' to take the reins.

* What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
I still have to learn A LOT. I always seem to have this empty feeling that I have no clue what I am doing and am going to repeatedly fall on my face. I am the type that needs to know exactly where I am going and the purpose for doing something. Entering a new realm and having to incorporate technology within a district such as mine, with little to none, is very difficult and requires much patience.

* How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?

Rather than wish I had more resources to work with, I am going to take advantage of what little I do have. It is too easy for me to simply whine and complain for all of our district's shortcomings. This only creates frustration and benefits no one, especially my students. I will adjust my GAME plan according to what is needed for each particular class. If one class is more individualized, I will shorten the groups down. Basically, I will attempt to highlight each student and each class's strengths and build on our weaknesses. Having a reliable lesson to fall back on that is relevant and worthwhile will be something that I need to make an adjustment to my current plan. I have had several difficulties in the past with our building and technology so to be completely reliant on a factor that I can't control bears way too much risk.
