Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reflection (week 8 final post)

In my last post, I mentioned that facilitating and inspiring learning will never become a distant goal that I no longer aspire to attain. I have learned a lot in this course by doing. From this, I will design more lessons geared towards having students "do" more and not be so robotic and incorporate so much rote memorization. Unfortunately, I have also learned that my district is even further behind the technological curve than I had originally anticipated. However, I also view this as a challenge because, as a young educator in an ancient department, I can inspire change. It is obvious, with the help of such courses as these, where education and all other relevant professions are headed. Why not embrace such a movement and use such tools to enhance our learning and facilitate growth?

My GAME plan is a lot like many of my lessons that I create from scratch. It is slow-developing and while it is a solid, manageable and effective plan, little will be accomplished with little effort. There were times where I could have made certain things better and put in the appropriate time. However, there are many things that I have learned from creating my GAME plan that I will take with me and credit towards improving myself and growing both as a learner and as an educator.

Have a safe and exciting New Year!!!!!


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