Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Revising my GAME plan (week 6 assn)

The two NETS-T goals that I chose for my GAME plan were as follows: #1 - Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity and #3 - Model Digital-Age Work and Learning. My first goal was to become proficient in the technology that will be implemented. I feel confident that I have gotten more efficient with certain tools that I have already used or will use in the near future. I always seem to have an empty feeling, however, that there is much more that I should be doing and that I am still "behind the curve" in regards to integrating technology into my classrooms. However, with the limited resources that are available and through my constant efforts, it is better than it was yesterday and I will continue to improve. We have also had many assignments and learned a few resourceful tools with our classroom blog and wiki. This was another goal of mine and I feel more competent now that I have incorporated it into our classroom routine.

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

I have learned how to create a group wiki and add pages to it. This will become effective for small group assignments that will also require some individuality. Many group projects are somewhat difficult to assess due to the struggle of balancing requirements within a group and properly allocating responsibilities. This will promote group involvement but will also require students to do some on their own and not be so dependent on their group members.

What goals are you still working toward?

I will always be working on my first goal and was also the reason for it being the first: become proficient with the technology that will be implemented. I am a strong advocate for the integration of technology and am not generally the teacher that gives students' grief when their phones are out. I will always be working on self-improvement and some of my professional goals will remain constant. I am also still working towards a constant goal of never accepting mediocrity. My students deserve someone with leadership qualities to show them what it is like to tackle a new problem, like embracing new technologies, and making the best of a situation.

Based on the NETS-T, what new learning goals will you set for yourself?

I would have to say that the last learning goal, #5 Engage in Professional Growth & Leadership would be a new NETS-T that I would set for myself. Reiterating what I said earlier, I firmly believe that teachers must remain effective by constantly searching for new and effective lessons. Resorting to complacency and being repetitive only promotes dull, ineffective instruction and poor leadership. Being able to continuously improve professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources are all mentioned within this learning goal.

What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?

I intend on using this week's social networking and online collaboration lessons in my classes. My students are all actively involved in some sort of social networking site and to be able to harness that knowledge and incorporate effective instruction is something I look forward to attempting.



  1. I like the idea of having some of the responsibility fall on students individually. So often the quiet more reserved students will get a free ride as the more outgoing and hard working students take the lead of any type of a project. Promoting group involvement is the key to having successful teamwork.

  2. That is very true, but what is the best method for getting people with few interests committed to a common good? I am sure if you had the answer, you would author several books or have your own talk show. I just had a huge get together with all of my family friends and experienced a similar dynamic. There were a large assortment of people and it seemed that everyone segregated themselves to only sit near those that they knew and declined to "branch out" to meet someone new. I also like having students be more accountable for their actions both individually and collectively as a group. Thanks for your post. Kevin
